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jQuery Tagit is a plugin for jQuery which pro a form element to input tags. It offers auto-completion for them and integrates well into bootstrap.

Basic functionality

Use a ul element to embed the tag input to. Add the fake-input class (if you use the provided css files) to make the element look like an input. Make the element focusable by adding a tabindex attribute.


    won't auto-complete


    Use the tags option to provide tags for auto-completion


      will auto-complete and still allow custom tags


      For each tag a hidden input is created whos name defaults to tag and can be changed by providing a field option to the tagit constructor.

      Prepopulating tag inputs

      Add li child elements to a tagit ul to make them become initial elements of the tag input


      • C++
      • Java
      pre-populated tag input

      Programmatically controlling the tag input

      The plugin makes the methods addTag(name), removeTag(name) and getTags() available via the tagit method.


      • Java
      programatically controllable tag input